トラフィック 2.0
なぜ基本的なトラフィック測定に止どまるのですか? RetailNextの次世代の将来性のあるトラフィックソリューションでそれ以上のものを手に入れてください。

Say goodbye to unwieldy Windows apps. Fast, easy-to-use, browser and mobile interfaces get you up and running in no time.

The RetailNext system was built from the ground up in partnership with leading retailers around the globe.

Priced per sensor per month. No hidden per-user fee, reporting fee, API fee, or anything else.
AIベース: Auroraは、ディープラーニングに基づく特許取得済みの人工知能アルゴリズムを使用して、信じられないほどの精度で匿名で人を検出します。
リアルタイム: Auroraは、最大の追跡精度を確保するために毎秒10回人を検出し、分析データを毎秒RetailNextクラウドに送信します。

自己監査: 高解像度の録画ビデオにすぐにアクセスできるため、追加費用なしで、都合の良いときに独自の監査を簡単に実行できます。
信頼を築く: トラフィックとコンバージョンデータの正確性について、店員から賛同を得られます。

リアルタイム: 世界中のどこに店舗があるかに関係なく、ユーザーインターフェースとAPIで数秒以内にデータを利用できます。
ダッシュボード: すべてのKPIを可視化するための複数のダッシュボード。 AIを活用して、予測されるトラフィックの傾向と推奨アクションの自動表示を実現します。
レポート: PDFおよびXLSレポートは、受信トレイに直接電子メールで送信されます。数十の組み込みテンプレートを備えた、完全にカスタマイズ可能なフォーマット。
統合BI: ダッシュボードやレポートで何か面白いものを見つけましたか?データを様々な角度から分析するための統合ビジネスインテリジェンスツールである分析ページから詳しく調査します。

追加のメトリック: トラフィックの方向、滞在時間、店前トラフィック、再来店の割合などを使用して、トラフィック数にテクスチャを追加します。
スタッフトラフィックの除外: 店舗スタッフに目立たないワイヤレスタグを提供して、匿名でトラフィックカウントから除外します。
タイムマシン: 店舗を改装した際、トラフィックライン設定を調整するのを忘れましたか?問題ありません。今すぐライン設定を調整し、クリックひとつで正しい履歴カウントを再計算できます。魔法のように!

Built with I.T. in mind
Simple network configuration. Just one outbound port, no incoming ports, VPNs, etc.
自動ヘルスモニタリング。 SSOをサポートする一元化されたユーザー管理。
Automatic software updates. Encrypted communications.
API allows you to embed data into your own applications and internal dashboards.

Razer は、ゲーマー向けの世界有数のライフスタイルブランドとして、世界的なゲームおよびeスポーツコミュニティの熱心なメンバーである顧客に向け、プレミアム体験を提供することに投資しています。 RetailNextプラットフォームは店舗データを深く掘り下げることができ、「顧客をより深く理解できる」という優位性を私たちに与えてくれます。世界展開する技術先進企業として、私たちは RetailNext が当社のブランドに提供する機能を高く評価しています。 CHRISTINE CHEREL Director of Global Retail Experience Razer Inc

私たちは、RetailNextからのデータ一式と他のシステムからの運用データを組み合わせて、店舗内のすべてのブランドパートナー様に実用的な洞察を提供しました。店内の運用を最適化するため私たちがデータの恩恵を受けるだけにとどまらず、私たちが提携している多くのブランドが、ポータルを通じてezInsights にアクセスし、データドリブンの意思決定を行いパフォーマンスを向上させています。

RetailNext has been an invaluable partner, helping us better understand consumer behavior. Armed with RetailNext’s data, we have been able to make data-driven decisions that help guide the success of the business. In a rapidly changing retail landscape, RetailNext's agility has been a game-changer for our teams.

Mizzen+Main created the first performance fabric dress shirt over a decade ago, and we're still growing as we offer a range of products that provide our customers with the comfort, style, and confidence they need. It’s important for people to experience the best Mizzen+Main has to offer when they visit our retail locations. With RetailNext, we can leverage in-store analytics to give that customer experience the full look and feel of our unique brand.

As a leading destination for high-quality, styled, and comfort-oriented footwear, Peltz Shoes prides itself on providing customers with “A Perfect Fit” every time. The quality of our products and the knowledge of our staff are the reason that Peltz Shoes is the number-one shoe store in Pinellas County since 1957. With RetailNext’s in-store analytics, we are able to continue scaling our business successfully and understand how to better use labor.

Whether they’re shopping video, digital, or film cameras; picking up orders; or dropping by to see the KEH Reserve Collection of rare and collectible cameras - our customers are looking for a seamless sensory experience in our store. With the RetailNext platform, which was incredibly easy to install and setup, we can provide just that by applying a more data-driven and insightful approach to optimizing our in-store experiences using their industry-leading smart store analytics.

Beginning in 2019, Adore Me embarked on a company-wide endeavor to transform our business model into one that weaves sustainability and social responsibility into everything we do—and becoming a Certified B Corporation marks a huge milestone for us. We couldn’t have achieved this without the help of the RetailNext platform, which helps us to drive high-impact, operational efficiencies at our brick-and-mortar locations on a consistent basis, that contribute to our sustainability goals.

We want fishing to be enjoyed by everyone, and we’re committed to building a community around the Catch Co. brand and forging ever-closer connections with our customers. Bringing that mission into brick-and-mortar stores was the logical next step, and RetailNext’s technologies are helping us to realize that ambition, using data-driven insights to create the most fulfilling, inclusive, and interactive shopping experiences possible.

We are excited to partner with RetailNext as we grow our analytic capabilities and continue to leverage as robust a data set as possible to optimize the unique in-store customer experiences we create for our customers. As a leading direct-to-consumer personal health brand that is expanding its retail footprint, the deep insights that the RetailNext data provides will help keep a pulse on product engagement and other retail strategies.

Our partnership with RetailNext will help us to offer the same offline experience in-store, critical to our customer's exploration journey at DECIEM. RetailNext is a trusted service within the retail industry that truly understands the needs of its clients, offering bespoke services per partner. As an abnormal retail business, RetailNext has been efficient, organized, and understanding of our needs.

As an expert in brand development in the luxury retail and distribution market for over 65 years, our clients' success is at the core of what we do. We are excited to introduce the RetailNext platform to augment our capabilities in helping over 100 international brands grow their market share in the Middle East.


While COVID-19 impacted many parts of our business, one of our top priorities was determining how to best manage in-store capacity. RetailNext was able to quickly deliver an occupancy API to provide our guests a real-time view into how busy our stores were at any given time. This innovative approach reinforced why we value their proactive, nimble expertise as Ulta Beauty’s in-store analytics partner.

RetailNextは、Camperにとって優れたグローバルパートナーであり、世界中のあらゆる場所で私たちをサポートしています。彼らは常に私たちにイノベーションをもたらし、私たちの目標達成にどのように貢献できるかを考えてくれています。店舗チームから CEO、組織全体に至るまで、 RetailNext が提供するデータに依存しています。新型コロナウイルス感染症後に店舗が通常の状態に戻るにつれて、このデータは当社の成功にとって非常に重要になっています。

旧来のトラフィックカウントは信頼性が低く、The Container Storeでは長い間補助的な指標としてしか用いられませんでした。しかし、RetailNextとのパートナーシップを通じてそれは変化し、今ではトラフィックは人員計画や真の顧客コンバージョンを理解するための重要な指標になりました。

トラフィックとコンバージョンの測定は、間違いなく堅実な小売業の基盤です。RetailNext の店舗データは、単なるこれらの測定分析にとどまらず、より深く、より有意義な方法でビジネスに影響を与えることも可能にします。ほとんどの小売企業にとって、人件費は店舗の損益において制御可能な支出の中で一番影響が大きいため、TVS(The Vitamin Shop)はトラフィックデータを活用することで売上を伸ばし、人件費を最大活用することができます。それは私たちにとって大きな勝利です! ALLISON TIMPSON Director of Financial Planning and Analysis The Vitamin Shoppe

The customer is at the heart of every decision we make at The Vitamin Shoppe, and we are delighted to be integrating RetailNext’s technology solutions to ensure our stores continually operate in the personalized manner our customers have come to expect.

When looking for a solution that would help us run our stores and protect our teams and assets, it became clear that RetailNext was the best choice on the market. We are able to save ~40% versus using separate systems for traffic counting and loss prevention. During the pandemic, the system has also been incredibly helpful for remote compliance monitoring.

With RetailNext we were able to increase our conversion from 22 to 27% fleetwide. We had better access to the data, in real time, giving our teams the data they needed to drive performance.


過去数年間、RetailNextは、CEOとしての私が組織全体で業績ベースの文化を推進するのに役立ってきました。RetailNext によって生成された洞察とデータは、お客様に満足のためデータに基づいた施策を行うのに不可欠なものとなっています。また、RetailNextのプラトフォームはマーケティング効率を向上させ、人員配置から店舗レイアウトやマーチャンダイジングに至るまで、あらゆる面での意思決定を簡素化しています。私たちをサポートしてくれるチームと、彼らが私たちの成功に真に投資していることに非常に感銘を受けました。

RetailNext provides Soft Surroundings with valuable insights on store traffic which means we are always staffed to perfection! When our customer wants to shop, we’re right there to help her get the fashion and comfort she can't live without.

When our business partners ask questions like "what kind of displays work best", we always turn to RetailNext. The actionable data is limitless. RetailNext delivers the most accurate, most robust metrics for entrance traffic and their ability to understand the full path of a shopper is unrivaled. I really value their partnership and look forward to expanding our capabilities with them at On-Running.

Our partnership with RetailNext helps us manage our brick and mortar stores with the same level of data as our digital channels. The data has been extremely useful to understand and manage store team performance. Additionally, the pandemic has disrupted traffic trends pretty considerably and the RetailNext data has been critical to managing occupancy levels in-store as well as labor models and task allocation.

When we started opening stores, we needed data to drive the same kind of performance we had on our digital channels. RetailNext was recommended by one of our advisors and the partnership has been incredible. The measurement of brick and mortar is key to our business as we continue to grow and open new stores.

RetailNext is a critical partner for our stores across the GCC. Their accurate measurement of in-store shopper behavior helps us deliver the best service by giving us the data we need to staff our stores accordingly and to measure performance across all of our locations. This data is critical to driving the best operational and marketing programs for our business.

Our retail brands in Taiwan have benefited tremendously from the deployment of RetailNext. The data is extremely accurate and very easy for our teams to use. I am especially impressed with the Company's global mindset and their willingness to invest in our success. We are early in our analytics journey and are excited to continue to drive performance in our stores across the region with the suite of products provided by RetailNext.