Measure, control, and communicate occupancy for staff and customer safety.

Say goodbye to unwieldy Windows apps. Fast, easy-to-use, browser and mobile interfaces get you up and running in no time.

The RetailNext system was built from the ground up in partnership with leading retailers around the globe.

Priced per sensor per month. No hidden per-user fee, reporting fee, API fee, or anything else.
Get real-time visibility into store occupancy. Data in the RetailNext Cloud dashboard updates within seconds of someone entering or exiting your store.
Real-time data: Easily view up-to-the-second occupancy counts for any location on the web or mobile interface.
Real-time alerts: Set occupancy limits independently for each location, and receive real-time alert on your mobile device the moment the occupancy limit is reached.

Occupancy data is powered by the same underlying technologies as our Traffic product - the RetailNext Cloud and the Aurora sensor, a deep-learning device that delivers industry-leading accuracy.
AI-powered: Aurora uses a patented artificial intelligence algorithm based on deep learning to anonymously detect people with incredible accuracy.

In addition to current occupancy, also analyze historical occupancy rate trends for your locations. Check if locations are underutilized or overcrowded, and verify compliance with specified occupancy limits.
Integrated analysis: Explore and analyze occupancy data across your locations right within the Cloud web interface, and cross-reference occupancy counts with other KPIs such as sales, conversion, and labor hours.
BI tool integration: Export occupancy data via API to the BI tool of your choice, to allow for display and analysis of occupancy trends.

Easily extend the core occupancy product functionality with the included, easy-to-use occupancy API.
Digital signage: Pair occupancy data with digital signage to let your customers know whether it's safe to enter your location.
Mobile apps: Display current store occupancy on your mobile or web application so customers can plan to arrive when the store isn't busy.
Virtual queueing: Allow customers to add themselves to a virtual queue to be notified when it's safe to visit the store.