4 Ways to Attract Gen Z Shoppers

Cover: 4 Ways to Attract Gen Z Shoppers

Generation Z makes up over 30 percent of the population today. In terms of the global economy, it's a huge chunk of the market that simply cannot be ignored. The specifics of this new generation demand an entirely new approach when it comes to marketing. Companies all over the world are figuring out the best ways how to get inside the Gen Zer's heads. And some have even made decent progress.

But even if you are not a huge corporation that can spend millions on marketing, picking up some tricks definitely won't hurt. Smart marketing is key to any successful business. There are several key differences between Gen Z and their predecessors, and understanding these differences is vital when it comes to working with this sort of audience. So let's have a look at those one by one.

Generation Z is a generation of pragmatic people. They value their time and they value substance. A sales pitch will be spotted from a mile away regardless of how well you hide it. So why hide it at all? Trying to sell your product is not inherently bad. But instead of trying to exaggerate its quality and importance by using staged ads, just try a straightforward approach.

This sort of audience tends to appreciate companies that feel authentic and genuine. Be honest with your shoppers and customers and you'll have a better chance of swaying Gen Zers than with traditional ads. Tell them exactly how and why your product will benefit them, and leave the fluff out. The moment they feel you are wasting their time with promises you can't fulfill - you'll lose them.

Online services like Essay Pro are an example of businesses that were born in this environment. They understand the inner workings of this new system pretty well. Marketing in this context is all about how to solve real problems instead of how to fulfill a dream.

In order for your business to have success among Generation Z, you have to do your best to build and reinforce trust between you and your audience. Engaging your customers is the best way to show them you actually care about something more than just taking their money. In a general sense, this principle remains the same, but there are some specifics you have to pay attention to.

Basic things like responding to both positive and negative feedback, asking customers for input, rewarding loyal customers, and things like that are old news by now. They're still very important, but you have to use the correct tools in order to get to a specific audience. Here are some of the most popular sites used by Gen Z representatives:

  • Twitter

  • Youtube

  • Snapchat

  • Instagram

These are the platforms that will help you find and connect with Gen Z audiences more easily. Facebook has sort of lost its appeal to the new generation.

Gen Z was raised in a brand new environment. Their defining traits have changed accordingly. However, at least one thing remained the same. Gen Zers have inherited the wish to make the world a slightly better place from the millennials. Research shows that they are more likely to support companies they can connect to on a personal level.

Sharing the values of your customers is what will win you a following among Gen Z. It can be hard or even outright impossible for big corporations to connect to their demographics. But smaller companies will definitely benefit from establishing this friendship-like relationship.

This can also be used when turning to influencers. People have a hard time connecting with big-time celebrities, and enlisting their help will hardly be useful. Save your money and turn to less-known influencers instead. Their following may be smaller, but they have a much easier time establishing a connection with their audience.

In our age, we are constantly surrounded by information; some of it is useful, most of it is just white noise. Gen Zers have been born and raised in this environment. The internet is their natural habitat. And that's why their ability to filter out information is on point. Your ad has to be bright and demand attention. But getting someone to look at it is just half the job done.

After you manage to grab your audience's attention, the next eight seconds decide whether or not you'll get a new potential customer. This is exactly the amount of time an average Gen Zer spends evaluating if something is worth their time. Your ad can be longer, going into details after the initial pitch is done. But the pitch itself should fit in this 8-second span. Conciseness is your best friend.

The strategies that have been employed to market towards millennials lose their effectiveness when it comes to Gen Zers. But switching up some things to adapt to the changing trends is definitely worth it. After all, any good business should be able to change according to the needs of the marketplace, and the marketplace today is changing quicker than one might think.

Despite general principles of marketing remaining largely the same, taking a turn to a more pragmatic, personalized and relatable style is what defines the current trends in marketing towards Gen Z. It's a great time for new smaller companies. But even if your company has already developed, a slight change, of course, will ensure your success will not wither.

About the writer: Jenine Wing is a professional academic writer at an Essay Pro and an expert social media marketer with years of experience. Jenine possesses an MA degree in Marketing. Being an expert in marketing on social media, she keeps up with the most recent industry trends.

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Jenine Wing

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